Detachment of New Jersey

Public Relations

Gary Crawford

Updated September 26, 2024

Do you have news to share? We Sons do a lot of good things. Might as well share it with the public.

Please send any info you'd like to share. Stories, pictures (please identify anyone in the pics), anything worth sharing. Any news is good news.

As always, I am forwarding information of these events to several media outlets throughout the state. The larger outlets, such as Gannett, News12NJ,, 101.5 radio, and several on a more local level are on my regular email list. Some acknowledge news releases while others do not, and there is no guarantee they will be featured, as this is considered free advertisement for us.




The latest issue of the NJ SALute Detachment newsletter is scheduled to be published electronically in time for the Detachment meeting to be held on 28-Sept. It will be a larger issue than usual, due to the many activities going on in July, August, and September.

Since I took over the SALute Committee, I’ve published twenty-five (25) issues since October 2020, with the latest issue (#26) forthcoming. As always, I thank the many people who send me pictures and articles. Please keep them coming. Send them to

Gary S. Crawford PC, SALute Editor and Chairman



Publicity has been ongoing. Media outlets have been contacted with news releases via email and/or text. Some reports have made it to the public. However, there is no guarantee that our news will be published, as we are considered “good news” and placed on a back burner when other news reports overshadow them. Any publicity is good, and for the most part the major outlets have worked with us. Adjutant Rusty Myers also issues news releases to his contacts, with reasonable success, which can only help to keep us in the public’s eye. The Department’s Facebook page also lists upcoming events, thanks to PDC Steve Fisher.

Most Legion Family locations list their upcoming events although on a limited basis, such as on Facebook or other social media. The shear amount of events can be overwhelming. So much going on all the time, all of which need to be publicized for maximum benefit, income, and attendance. The Publicity Committee works to send out as many of these as possible.

To give you an idea of how many events are scheduled between the Watchfire of 21-Sept until Wreaths Across America Day on 14-Dec.

Gary S. Crawford PC, Publicity and Public Relations Chairman


For God and Country,

Gary S. Crawford PC

Commander, Neptune SAL Squadron 346

DEC and Adjutant, SAL Monmouth County Executive Committee

Editor, The NJ SALute