Detachment of New Jersey


Robert Phillips Jr.

Updated December 2, 2021

Detachment N.E.C. Report

December 2021

Hello Comrades:

I attended the American Legion Camden County Family Testimonial Breakfast at Post # 372. Karaoke and Toco's at Post 455. The Bergen County Auxiliary Veteran Day Lunch at the Maywood Twin Door Tavern, Polish night at Post 227, The Pasta Dinner fundraiser @ Post 171 for incoming Department President Colleen Breen-Lopez, and this Detachment meeting.

Update on Revised SAL: The names of the members were announced at the last Detachment meeting. There will be a meeting after this Detachment meeting for approximately 30 minutes to discuss same. The charge for the Revised SAL was emailed out to the members this past week.

For people who are attempting to get on a National Committee, it is required to go thru the NEC. The NEC submits a recommendation to National Committees on committees, This has been a matter only between the NEC/ANEC and the Canidate who submits his request. At the Post NEC meeting, is where the NEC and ANEC get the official notice as to who was chosen, Then the NEC will now announce to the detachment appointments.

The National Sons of the American Legion Commander will be getting a stipend of $72,000 plus benefits starting this year. The American Legion Commander will get $100,000. plus benefits.

The Washington Conference has been canceled. They will however still be laying the SAL wreath on February 27, 2022.

Lenny E. Free

N.E.C. New Jersey

201 925-4373